Interview on the opening the new Darmstadt AI Research Lab
Prof. Jan Peters was interviewed at the major German news show “Tagesschau” about the opening of the Darmstadt AI Research Lab.
Already since March 2022, the Darmstadt laboratory of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) has been expanding its basic research on artificial intelligence (AI). Now, a year after its foundation, the ceremonial opening took place in the central entrance building of the Technical University Darmstadt - somewhat belated, but with even more exciting impressions and insights.
With the new Darmstadt AI research lab, DFKI is establishing three new research areas. The directors of the three areas - Prof. Jan Peters, Prof. Kristian Kersting and Prof. Carsten Binnig - are professors at the university’s Department of Computer Science and renowned experts in AI as well as founding members of hessian.AI, the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence.
To see the full interview at “Tagesschau” click here.
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