"Elterliche Belastung und frühkindliche sozial-emotionale Entwicklung während der Corona-Pandemie"

10 October is International Mental Health Day. Around this date, information about mental illness is offered nationwide as part of the "Mental Health Week" and facilities as well as possible help and therapy services are presented.

The "Gießener Aktionsbündnis für Seelische Gesundheit" is participating in this year's Mental Health Week from 11.10.2021 through numerous online lectures that focus on mental health in the challenging times of the pandemic: "Gemeinsam über den Berg - Seelische Gesundheit in der Familie" is the topic this year.

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Schwarzer will also be giving a lecture:

»Elterliche Belastung und frühkindliche sozial-emotionale Entwicklung während der Corona-Pandemie«,
12.10.2021, at 12:00

The online access data for the event (as well as the full programme) can be found here!