Author Till Raether reads from his book "Bin ich schon depressiv, oder ist das noch das Leben?"
Depression can affect anyone, and it is often difficult to recognise. Till Raether was often sad and exhausted in his life - again and again, for weeks. And just as often he asked himself whether this was depression or whether it was just normal, grey life taking its toll on him. In his book, Till Raether talks openly about an illness he has lived with for many years and which he often tried to mask with great energy. He writes about his hunt for recognition, his helplessness and being overwhelmed and the constant thought that he should just pull himself together - and about the breakdown. An honest, warm book about a life situation that is familiar to many people.
The "Marburger Literaturforum e.V.", "Kulturelle Aktion Marburg - Strömungen e.V.", the "Bündnis gegen Depression Marburg-Biedenkopf e.V." and the "Marburger Buchhandlung Jakobi" with the kind support of the Rowohlt Verlag is pleased to present a reading by Till Raether from his book "Bin ich schon depressiv, oder ist das noch das Leben? Following the reading, there will be an opportunity for a talk with the author.
Reading Till Raether
Date: | Tue, 16.November 2021 |
Time: | 7 PM |
Ort: | TTZ (Technologie- und Tagungszentrum), Softwarecenter 3 - Frankfurter Str., 35037 Marburg |
Admisson: | 8,- € und 6,- € reduced |
Der Autor:
Till Raether, born 1969 in Koblenz, works as a freelance writer in Hamburg, among others for Brigitte, Brigitte Woman and SZ magazine. He grew up in Berlin, attended the German School of Journalism in Munich, studied American Studies and History in Berlin and New Orleans and was deputy editor-in-chief of Brigitte.
His novels "Treibland" and "Unter Wasser" were nominated for the Friedrich Glauser Prize in 2015 and 2019, and all volumes about the hypersensitive Chief Inspector Danowski were enthusiastically received by the press and readers. "Blutapfel" was filmed by ZDF with Milan Peschel in the leading role, directed by Markus Imboden.
Kulturelle Aktion Marburg - Strömungen e.V.
c/o Marburger Weltladen, Markt 7, 35037 Marburg
Contact person: Manfred Paulsen
Tel.: 01525/3934563
Bündnis gegen Depression Marburg-Biedenkopf e.V.
Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Rudolf-Bultmann-Str. 8, 35039 Marburg
Contact person: A. Bruun, Koordinatorin des BgD MR-BID
Tel.: 06421 58-65247
Marburger Literaturforum e.V.
c/o Institut für Neuere deutsche Literatur, Deutschhausstraße 3, 35032 Marburg
Buchhandlung Jakobi
Steinweg 42, 35037 Marburg
Tel.: 06421-9998566
Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-18:30, Sa 10:00-16:00