Perceptual illusion in the supermarket
Open Campus Day 2024
Science Fair "Strasse der Experimente" in Gießen, 2024
School visit Perception & Action lab
The Adaptive Mind Girl's Day in Gießen and Darmstadt
TAM research featured in cover story of "Spiegel"
Modelling the biological perception of faces with artificial intelligence
TAM PostDoc wins GGN Science Slam
Open Campus Day 2023
Lecture by Meaghan McManus on perception in virtual reality
Science Fair "Strasse der Experimente" in Gießen, 2023
The placebo effect is better than its reputation
“Tag der Physik” in Marburg
The Adaptive Mind Girl's Day in Gießen, Marburg and Darmstadt
Discussing research with highschool students
Playing in the service of science
Interview on the opening the new Darmstadt AI Research Lab
Reading the mind in the nose
Study on treatments of trauma disorders funded with 5 million euros
Interview on the frontal lobe
Mental rotation
How does the brain recognize drawn objects as houses or animals?
How our brain estimates distances
Large-scale study on on problematic pornography use
Public science talks on clinical psychology 2023
Monthly “Welt” newspaper column on AI 2022
AI and ethics
Mathematikum talk on individual perception
„Tag der Mathematik“ – conscious and unconscious perception in the brain
AI and reinforcement learning
Launch of new M.Sc. Mind, Brain and Behavior in Gießen
Communicator Award 2022 for Dr. Kate Storrs
Tag der offenen Tür
Blackbox Artificial Intelligence?
AI and Play Drive
Guest speech at the annual welcome of the IHK Offenbach
How the brain beats the computer
Open Campus Day 2022
A turning point in artificial intelligence
Forschungscampus Mittelhessen (FCMH) celebrates its fifth anniversary
Project "Actor"
Project "Adaptifont"
The brain cannot do physics!
Millions of Moments: Participatory research on eye movements at the Gießener Mathematikum
Is it possible to be addicted to social media?
White matter myelination during early infancy is linked to spatial gradients and myelin content at birth
How well does TikTok know me? The not-all-knowing algorithm
Public science talks on clinical psychology 2022
Monthly “Welt” newspaper column on AI 2021
Antidepressiva – einnehmen oder absetzen? – Was spricht dafür, dagegen
Author Till Raether reads from his book "Bin ich schon depressiv, oder ist das noch das Leben?"
Zwei Marburger Forscher sind „Highly Cited Researchers“
Best Paper Award Finalist for Robot Reinforcement Learning on the Constraint Manifold
3rd Science and Gender Equality Symposium SAGE 3.0
Perspectives in AI seminar of the C4AI
How is Germany getting ahead in artificial intelligence? FAZ Digitec
Talk at Centre for Vision Research, York, Canada
"Elterliche Belastung und frühkindliche sozial-emotionale Entwicklung während der Corona-Pandemie"
Best Entertainment and Amusement Paper Award Finalist for Efficient and Reactive Planning for High Speed Robot Air Hockey
Prof. Rudolf Stark elected to the new board of the "Psychotherapeutenkammer Hessen"
Talk at Bar Ilan Vision Science Seminar
Jan Peters was appointed fellow by Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)
Visit from Science Reporter
Roland Fleming delivers Vision Sciences Society 2021 Public Lecture
Dr. Georgia Chalvatzaki & Pascal Klink (Members of Jan Peters Research Group) were named “KI Newcomer*in” of the year by the German Gesellschaft für Informatik
Human and machine, possibilities and morality
Public science talks on clinical psychology 2021
Germany’s largest walk-through brain at city festival “3 Tage Marburg”
Advanced Robotics Excellent Paper Award for Marco Ewerton, Oleg Arenz & Jan Peters