
Fabian Tatai

PhD Student

Technische Universität Darmstadt Psychology of Information Processing
Alexanderstraße 10
64283 Darmstadt

+49 6151 16-24077 Send e-mail Visit website

Short info

In my research, I aim to apply computational modelling to gain new insights into human decision-making in various settings, with a focus on naturalistic scenarios, which I try to realize experimentally through methods like virtual reality and motion tracking.
I am working under the supervision of Prof. Rothkopf.

Tatai, F., Straub, D., & Rothkopf, C. (2023).
People use Newtonian physics in intuitive sensorimotor decisions under risk. In
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 45, No. 45).
Thomas, T., Straub, D., Tatai, F., Shene, M., Tosik, T., Kersting, K., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2024).
Modelling dataset bias in machine-learned theories of economic decision-making.
Nature Human Behaviour, 1-13.