
Alexander Kreß

PhD student

Philipps University of Marburg Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 8a
35032 Marburg

+49 6421 28-21383 Send e-mail Visit website

Short info

My research interests lie in the field of machine learning, with a particular focus on the development of computational models of the brain. My current research project explores the correlates of sensory prediction of self-motion in primates.

I am working with Prof. Bremmer.

Baltaretu, B. R., Schuetz, I., Võ, M. L. H., & Fiehler, K. (2024).
Scene semantics affects allocentric spatial coding for action in naturalistic (virtual) environments.
Scientific Reports, 14(1), 15549.
Kreß, A., Lappe, M., & Bremmer, F. (2024).
Comprehensive VR Dataset for Machine Learning: Head-and Eye-Centred Video and Positional Data.
Data in Brief, 111187.
McManus, M., Schütz, I., Voudouris, D., & Fiehler, K. (2023).
How visuomotor predictability and task demands affect tactile sensitivity on a moving limb during object interaction in a virtual environment.
Royal Society Open Science., 10(12), 231259.