Prof. Dr.
Tilo Kircher
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Rudolf-Bultmann Straße 8
35039 Marburg
Short info
My research focuses on the interplay of perception and action. I’m interested in how humans predict the sensory outcome of their actions and how a dysfunction of this process leads to psychopathological symptoms, such as hallucinations and passivity phenomena. My long-term goal is to better understand the etiology of mental illnesses, in particular how genes and environment shape the brain, its functioning and emergent thoughts, emotions and behaviour. I combine experimental psychophysics, fMRI and EEG in smaller samples with large scale, deeply phenotyped, longitudinal cohort studies.
Open Science
Temporal recalibration in response to delayed visual feedback of active versus passive actions: An fMRI study.
Predictive neural processing of self-generated hand and tool actions in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and healthy individuals.
Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear: How Intolerance of Uncertainty and Trait Anxiety impact fear acquisition, extinction and the return of fear.
PsyArXiv Preprints
Different contributions of efferent and reafferent feedback to sensorimotor temporal recalibration.
Scientific Reports, 11(1).
Lack of evidence for predictive utility from resting state fMRI data for individual exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy outcomes: A machine learning study in two large multi-site samples in anxiety disorders.
NeuroImage, 295, 120639.
The effect of self- vs. externally generated actions on timing, duration and amplitude of BOLD response for visual feedback processing.
Human Brain Mapping, in press.
Action-based predictions affect visual perception, neural processing, and pupil size, regardless of temporal predictability.
NeuroImage, 263, 119601.
Pre-movement event-related potentials and multivariate pattern of EEG encode action outcome prediction. Human Brain Mapping.
Perception of self-generated and externally-generated visual stimuli: Evidence from EEG and behavior.
Psychophysiology, e14295.
Behavioural and functional evidence revealing the role of RBFOX1 variation in multiple psychiatric disorders and traits.
Molecular Psychiatry, 1–10.
Neural adaptation of cingulate and insular activity during delayed fear extinction: A replicable pattern across assessment sites and repeated measurements.
NeuroImage, 237, 118157.
Neural correlates of temporal recalibration to delayed auditory feedback of active and passive movements.
Human Brain Mapping.
Speech-gesture mismatch detection in individuals with high vs. low schizotypal traits.
International Consortium on Schizotypy Research, ICSR 2022.
Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear: How Intolerance of Uncertainty and Trait Anxiety impact fear acquisition, extinction and the return of fear.