Prof. Dr.

Daniel Kaiser

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen FB 07 - Mathematik und Informatik, Physik, Geographie
Arndtstraße 2
35392 Gießen

+49 (0)641 99 32 115 +49 (0)641 99 32 029 Send e-mail Visit website

Short info

My research focuses on visual perception in real-world contexts. I study how natural objects and scenes are perceived and represented in the brain, and how processing depends on statistical regularities in the world. I am also interested in the top-down control of visual processing and the neural correlates of person perception.

In my research, I combine methods from experimental psychology with brain imaging (fMRI, EEG), and computational modelling. This multi-modal approach allows for tracking the dynamic construction of neural representations that are adaptive for natural behavior. 

Open Science
Chen, L., Cichy, R. M., & Kaiser, D. (2023).
Coherent categorical information triggers integration-related alpha dynamics.
bioRxiv, 2023-12.
Foxwell, M.J.*, Wang, G.*, Cichy, R.M., Pitcher, D., Kaiser, D. (2023). *contributed equally
Individual differences in internal models explain idiosyncrasies in scene perception.
PsyArXiv Preprints
Gao, X., Yang, J., Li, C., Guo, X., Wang, Y., Qu, Z., ... & Yuan, B. (2024).
How do we imagine a speech? A triple network model for situationally simulated inner speech.
bioRxiv preprint ,2024-07.
Goupil, N., Kaiser, D., Papeo, L. (2023).
Category-specific effects of high-level relations in visual search.
OSF preprint
Goupil, N., Kaiser, D., Papeo, L. (2023).
Alpha-frequency feedback to early visual cortex orchestrates coherent natural vision.
bioRxiv preprint
Kaiser, D., Stecher, R., Dörschner-Boyaci, K. (2023).
EEG decoding reveals neural predictions for naturalistic material behaviors.
bioRxiv preprint
Klink H., Kaiser D., Stecher R., Ambrus GG*, Kovács G*. (submitted). *contributed equally
Your place or mine? The neural dynamics of personally familiar scene recognition suggests category independent familiarity encoding.
bioRxiv preprint
Lu Z*, Doerig A*, Bosch V*, Krahmer B, Kaiser D*, Cichy RM*, Kietzmann TC*. *contributed equally (submitted).
End-to-end topographic networks as models of cortical map formation and human visual behaviour: moving beyond convolutions.
arXiv preprint
Stecher, R., & Kaiser, D. (2023).
Imaginary scenes are represented in cortical alpha activity.
bioRxiv, 2023-10.
Stecher, R., Cichy, R. M., & Kaiser, D. (2024).
Decoding the contents of visual brain rhythms.
Researchgate preprint
Wang, G., Chen, L., Cichy, R. M., & Kaiser, D. (2024).
Enhanced and idiosyncratic neural representations of personally typical scenes.
bioRxiv preprint ,2024-07.
Xie, S., Singer, J. J., Yilmaz, B., Kaiser, D., & Cichy, R. M. (2024).
The representational nature of spatio-temporal recurrent processing in visual object recognition.
bioRxiv preprint ,2024-07.
Yeh, L. C., Bardelang, M., & Kaiser, D. (2024).
Cortical alpha rhythms interpolate occluded motion from natural scene context.
bioRxiv preprint, 2024-10.
Carter, A. A., & Kaiser, D. (2024).
An object numbering task reveals an underestimation of complexity for typically structured scenes.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-10.
Chen, L., Cichy, R. M., & Kaiser, D. (2023).
Alpha-frequency feedback to early visual cortex orchestrates coherent naturalistic vision.
Science Advances, 9(45), eadi2321.
Chen, L., Cichy, R. M., & Kaiser, D. (2024).
Coherent categorical information triggers integration-related alpha dynamics.
Journal of Neurophysiology.
Kaiser, D. (2022).
Characterizing dynamic neural representations of scene attractiveness.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34(10), 1988-1997.
Klink, H., Kaiser, D., Stecher, R., Ambrus, G. G., & Kovács, G. (2023).
Your place or mine? The neural dynamics of personally familiar scene recognition suggests category independent familiarity encoding.
Cerebral Cortex, 33:11634–11645.
Küçük, E., Foxwell, M., Kaiser, D., & Pitcher, D. (2024).
Moving and Static Faces, Bodies, Objects, and Scenes Are Differentially Represented across the Three Visual Pathways.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-13.
Stecher, R., & Kaiser, D. (2024).
Representations of imaginary scenes and their properties in cortical alpha activity.
Scientific Reports, 14(1), 12796.
Wang, G., Foxwell, M. J., Cichy, R. M., Pitcher, D., & Kaiser, D. (2024).
Individual differences in internal models explain idiosyncrasies in scene perception.
Cognition, 245, 105723.