Prof. Dr.
Andreas Jansen
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Laboratory for Multimodal Neuroimaging
Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 8
35039 Marburg
Short info
My research focusses on the investigation of the neural basis of cognitive functions. I am particularly interested in understanding which networks underlie the perception of faces and emotions and how the two hemispheres of the brain interact with each other during these processes. These research questions are addressed by a variety of methods including behavioral experiments, multimodal imaging techniques (in particular magnetic resonance imaging, MRI) and computational modelling approaches.
My group further develops methods to improve the quality of the MRI data acquisition, to integrate different imaging modalities, to investigate the reliability of imaging results and to advance data analysis techniques. We are closely cooperating with various clinical research groups, for instance in the development of novel imaging biomarkers to support the diagnosis and individualized treatment of mental disorders.