European Summer School Visual Neurosciences 2022

TAM PIs again organizing the European Summer School Visual Neurosciences 2022!

From August 7 - 19, 2022, the European Summer School Visual Neurosciences attracted participants from all over the world to castle Rauischholzhausen. The Summer School is organized by TAM PIs Roland Fleming and Alexander Schütz, together with Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer and is funded by the Center for Mind, Brain and Behavior of the TAM partner universities Justus-Liebig University Gießen, Philipps-University Marburg, and Technical University Darmstadt.

The European Summer School is taking place every 2 years since 2004 and exposes young vision researchers—at the late pre-doctoral or early post-doctoral level—to the principal methods and seminal issues of contemporary visual neuroscience. In addition, it seeks to build a basic fluency in the emerging lingua franca of computational neuroscience. The range of topics is broad, literally from spikes to awareness, and the pace correspondingly brisk. This intensive experience should allow participants take a broader view of, and make more informed decisions about, their future research direction. 

The European Summer School is taught by leading researchers in neurobiology, neuropsychology, psychophysics, and theoretical neuroscience. Two thematically related topics are covered each day, with approximately 3 hours allotted to each (including discussion time). An after-dinner discussion provides an opportunity to contrast and compare the day’s lectures. In addition, students pursue computational and theoretical projects (based on Matlab) during the afternoon, to experiment with key concepts and techniques of computational neuroscience.

Participants: (alphabetical) Avigael Aizenman, Bianca R. Baltaretu, Sameh Ben Hadj Hassen, Joanita D'Souza, Laura Geurts, Nedim Göktepe, Laysa Hedjar, Merve Kiniklioglu, Lisa Kroell, Hugo Ladret, Lari Virtanen, Gerick M. Lee, Junhao Liang, Aimee Martin, Monique Michl, Audrey Morrow, Rashi Pant, Ian Morgan Leo Pennock, Nan Qiu, Izel Dilan Sari, Blake Saurels, Pankhuri Saxena, Lynn Schmittwilken, Anna Schröger, Richard Schweitzer, Suniyya Amna Waraich, Hanna Willis, Astrid Zeman, Jan Skerswetat, Michael Wolff.