Why we can't tickle ourselves
LOEWE Start-Professur for Katharina Dobs
Symposium on MR imaging in the cognitive and clinical neurosciences
Transatlantic brainstorming
Two Master scholarships awarded to TAM students
Summer School Psychiatry 2024
ERC Grant for TUDa Professor Georgia Chalvatzaki
ERC Grant for UMR Researcher Mareike Grotheer
European Summer School Visual Neurosciences 2024
Cluster of Excellence proposal submitted
Karl Gegenfurtner receives the 2024 Verriest medal
Marburg Brainhack School 2024
Trajectories of Affective Disorders
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Award for JLU Researcher Katharina Dobs
Four Master scholarships awarded to TAM students
TAM sketch successful in the first round of the Excellence Strategy!
LOEWE Exploration Grant for UMR Professor Frank Bremmer
New MRI scanner for Marburg University
ERC Grant for JLU Researcher Katharina Dobs
Marcel Linka is awarded the Dr.-Herbert-Stolzenberg-Prize for his research
New LOEWE center "DYNAMICS" of clinical psychologists funded by HMWK
Cluster of Excellence sketch submitted
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGP) elects Prof. Winfried Rief as honorary member 2020
Marburg Brainhack School 2023
ERC Grant for JLU Professor Roland W. Fleming
How our brain estimates distances
ERC Grant for TUDa Professor Thomas Wallis
ERC Grant for JLU Professor Daniel Kaiser
Because we know what we're doing - precise prediction models in the brain
Alexander von Humboldt Professorhip for Angela Yu
Marburg Brainhack School 2022
David Engel receives the IHK Science Award for his dissertation
LOEWE Start-Professur for Martin Hebart
European Summer School Visual Neurosciences 2022
Jan Peters wins first Amazon Research Award at TU Darmstadt
„ELIZA“ selected as "Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence"
CMBB Communicator Prize for Dr. Kate Storrs
Seeing it differently
First EIC Transition Grant goes to TU Darmstadt
ERC Grant for AI Project by TU Professor Constantin Rothkopf
The Board of Directors has been elected
JLU Dissertation Award for Dr. Seid Harun Karimpur
Mechanisms of perception
New initiative "PsyChange" of clinical psychologists funded by HMWK
LokoAssist – Seamless integration of assistance systems
Ice hockey spectators use contextual cues to guide predictive eye movements
Turan Itil Award of the International Society for Pharmaco-EEG (IPEG) in 2021
Dissertation award for Dr. Alexander Göttker
W1 professor for computational psychiatry
A potent tool to study neural patterns
Where is it going? The brain unconsciously looks ahead
Alexander von Humboldt Professorhip for Stefan Hofmann
Lifetime Achievement Award for Stefan Hofmann
Brilliant learning performance
LOEWE Spitzenprofessur for Stefan Hofmann
DFG funds project on contact tracing