Prof. Dr.
Gudrun Schwarzer
Board of Directors for Gießen
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
FB 06 Psychologie und Sportwissenschaften
Otto-Behaghel-Straße 10
35394 Gießen
Short info
My research focuses on perceptual, motor, and cognitive development during infancy and childhood. The main goal is to understand how infants and children visually, auditorily, and motorically perceive and explore the environment, as well as how these experiences shape their processing of objects, and their ability to differentiate faces, speech and music within specific time periods. We use eye-tracking and motion-tracking methods to measure children’s natural behavior and EEG to analyze the underlying neural processes.
Open Science
Linka, M., Sensoy, Ö., Karimpur, H., Schwarzer, G., de Haas, B. (2022).
Attentional biases in free viewing of complex scenes in preschoolers and adults.
PsyArXiv Preprints
Attentional biases in free viewing of complex scenes in preschoolers and adults.
PsyArXiv Preprints
Dillmann, J.*, Sensoy, Ö.*, & Schwarzer, G. (2022). *shared first authorship
Parental perceived stress and its consequences on early social-emotional child development during COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Early Childhood Research, 1476718X221083423.
Parental perceived stress and its consequences on early social-emotional child development during COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Early Childhood Research, 1476718X221083423.
Gehb, G., Vesker, M., Jovanovic, B., Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., & Schwarzer, G. (2022).
The Relationship between Crawling and Emotion Discrimination in 9- to 10-Month-Old Infants.
Brain Sciences, 12(4), 479.
The Relationship between Crawling and Emotion Discrimination in 9- to 10-Month-Old Infants.
Brain Sciences, 12(4), 479.
Linka, M., Sensoy, Ö., Karimpur, H., Schwarzer, G., de Haas, B. (2023).
Free viewing biases for complex scenes in preschoolers and adults.
Sci Rep, 13, 11803.
Free viewing biases for complex scenes in preschoolers and adults.
Sci Rep, 13, 11803.
Preißler, L., Jovanovic, B., Munzert, J., Schmidt, F., Fleming, R.W., & Schwarzer, G. (2021).
Effects of visual and visual-haptic perception of material rigidity on reaching and grasping in the course of development.
Acta Psychologica, 221, November, 103457.
Effects of visual and visual-haptic perception of material rigidity on reaching and grasping in the course of development.
Acta Psychologica, 221, November, 103457.
Preißler, L., Keck, J., Krüger, B., Munzert, J., & Schwarzer, G. (2023).
Recognition of emotional body language from dyadic and monadic point-light displays in 5-year-old children and adults.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 235, 105713.
Recognition of emotional body language from dyadic and monadic point-light displays in 5-year-old children and adults.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 235, 105713.
Schwarzer, G., Gehb, G., Kelch, A., Gerhard-Samunda, T., Jovanovic, B. (2022).
Locomotion training contributes to 6-month-old infants' mental rotation ability.
Human Movement Science, Volume 85, October 2022, 102979.
Locomotion training contributes to 6-month-old infants' mental rotation ability.
Human Movement Science, Volume 85, October 2022, 102979.