Two career path talks
On Thursday, May 4th, 4:15 – 5:45 pm, two JLU alumni - Alexandra Lezkan and Michael Joch - talk about their career paths and are available for questions and discussions, followed by a joint dinner.
The talks take place in the new GCSC building (ground floor), Otto-Behaghel-Str. 12, 35394 Gießen.
Alexandra Lezkan is a former PhD student of Knut Drewing and former affiliated member of the IRTG and member of the SFB. She is now working as a Senior UX Concepter at DASGIP Information und Process Technology GmbH - an Eppendorf Company in Hamburg.
Michael Joch is a former PhD student of Hermann Müller and former member of the SFB. He is working as a Technical Solution Manager (Bionic Analytics) at Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA in Göttingen.