Active vision at the foveal scale
The role of size in grasping and perceiving weight
Neurocomputational basis of visual working memory
The neural mechanisms underlying goal-directed movement
Tracking millisecond time in the human brain: from sensory features extraction to perception
What should we do with big data?
Action-perception loops in primate neural circuits
Characterising the development of visual recognition in infants with neuroimaging and computational modelling
Belief embodiment through eye movements facilitates memory-guided navigation
Understanding human object vision
Uncertainty in perceptual decision-making
A lifespan perspective of visual learning and plasticity
Treating depressive syndromes: New ways, new approaches
Cognitive tools for uncovering useful abstractions
Attention and distraction in the predictive brain
Development of multisensory perception for action after sight restoration from congenital cataracts
Embodied cognition
Cortical recycling in high-level visual cortex during childhood development
The sense of place
Agent-based behavioral modeling
Two career path talks
Giessen International Schizophrenia Symposium (GISS) 2023
Integration of egocentric and allocentric cues for gaze in prefrontal cortex
Artificial psychophysics with Deep Neural Networks
Reliable Multimodal Artificial Intelligence
Computational models for visual perception
The predictive coding account of psychosis
Explaining adaptive vision: From world statistics to learning and transfer
Shaping Robotic Assistance through Structured Robot Learning
Understanding naturalistic vision in the human brain using computational models
The challenges of robot learning for manipulation of deformables
Postural tracking of predictable and complex visual motion cues: Implications for visuomotor learning
Understanding Human Cognition through Quantitative Modeling of Uncertainty
Adaptive brain computations for perceptual decisions
Some values of rhythmicity
Psychotherapy is a Clinical Science